An improvement of automatic speech reading using an intensity to contour stochastic transformation
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 8th Australian International Conference on Speech, Science and Technology (SST '00), pp. 98 - 103, December, 2000
The extraction of lip contour features is difficult and computationally expensive. In this paper we explore the desirable alternative of estimating the contour from area features (ie. mouth grey~scale image) directly via a non—linear stochastic mapping technique. Results are presented on our own speaker dependent database to demonstrate this method and explain why it performs better than previous techniques.
@conference{Lucey-2000-121095,author = {S. Lucey and S. Sridharan and V. Chandran},
title = {An improvement of automatic speech reading using an intensity to contour stochastic transformation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 8th Australian International Conference on Speech, Science and Technology (SST '00)},
year = {2000},
month = {December},
pages = {98 - 103},
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