An Ontology for Multi-Modal Transportation Planning and Scheduling
In this report we present an ontology for Multi-Modal Transportation Planning and Scheduling. We take, as our starting point, the previously developed OZONE scheduling ontology, which provides a general basis for formulating scheduling domain models. We extend this core framework as necessary to capture the essential char-acteristics and constraints of multi-modal transportation planning and scheduling, and then use this extended framework as a basis for elaborating concepts of particular relevance to transportation planning and scheduling. Though we define a fairly large base of transportation planning and scheduling terms, our intension has not been to produce an exhaustive domain ontology. Rather our primary goal has been to define the representational framework and ontological basis for comprehensive modeling and solution of multi-modal transportation planning and scheduling problems.
@techreport{Becker-1997-14530,author = {Marcel Becker and Stephen Smith},
title = {An Ontology for Multi-Modal Transportation Planning and Scheduling},
year = {1997},
month = {November},
institute = {Carnegie Mellon University},
address = {Pittsburgh, PA},
number = {CMU-RI-TR-98-15},