Artificial Perception of Actions
Journal Article, Gognitive Science, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 117 - 149, April, 1986
Discusses the visual perception of actions that are discretely conceptualized. The present author's intent is to develop a vision system that produces causal or intentional descriptions of actions, providing the conceptual underpinnings of natural language descriptions. The computational theory is developed in linking a "point of action definition" analysis to an analysis of how the physical events will elicit appropriate verbal descriptions. A theory of perception is derived that provides some insight into how to go about constructing systems that can watch the world and report on what they are watching.
@article{Thibadeau-1986-13638,author = {Robert H. Thibadeau},
title = {Artificial Perception of Actions},
journal = {Gognitive Science},
year = {1986},
month = {April},
volume = {10},
number = {2},
pages = {117 - 149},
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