Augmented Reality and its Future in Orthopaedics - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Augmented Reality and its Future in Orthopaedics

Mike Blackwell, F. Morgan, and Anthony M. Digioia
Journal Article, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, Vol. 354, pp. 111 - 122, September, 1998


Augmented reality is a display technique that combines supplemental information with the real world environment. Augmented reality systems are on the verge of being used everyday in medical training, preoperative planning, preoperative and intraoperative data visualization, and intraoperative tool guidance. The basic technologies of augmented reality are discussed, augmented reality systems currently being used in the medical domain are examined, and some future uses of these systems in orthopaedic applications are explored.


author = {Mike Blackwell and F. Morgan and Anthony M. Digioia},
title = {Augmented Reality and its Future in Orthopaedics},
journal = {Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research},
year = {1998},
month = {September},
volume = {354},
pages = {111 - 122},