AutoBrief: a multimedia presentation system for assisting data analysis
Journal Article, Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 583 - 593, December, 1997
We present an approach to generating multimedia presentations that integrates hierarchical planning to achieve communicative goals, and task-based graphic design. A planning process decomposes domain-specific goals to domain-independent goals, which in turn are realized by media-specific techniques such as task-based graphic design. We apply our approach to developing AutoBrief, a system that summarizes large data sets using natural language and information graphics. Finally, we analyze AutoBrief in terms of the standard reference model (SRM).
@article{Kerpedjiev-1997-16416,author = {Stefan Kerpedjiev and G. Carenini and Steven F. Roth and J. D. Moore},
title = {AutoBrief: a multimedia presentation system for assisting data analysis},
journal = {Computer Standards & Interfaces},
year = {1997},
month = {December},
volume = {18},
number = {6},
pages = {583 - 593},
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