Automated Generation of Example Contexts for Helping Children Learn Vocabulary - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Automated Generation of Example Contexts for Helping Children Learn Vocabulary

Liu Liu, Jack Mostow, and Gregory Aist
Workshop Paper, ISCA International Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE '09), pp. 129 - 132, September, 2009


This paper addresses the problem of generating good example contexts to help children learn vocabulary. We construct candidate contexts from the Google N-gram corpus. We propose a set of constraints on good contexts, and use them to filter candidate example contexts. We evaluate the automatically generated contexts by compar


author = {Liu Liu and Jack Mostow and Gregory Aist},
title = {Automated Generation of Example Contexts for Helping Children Learn Vocabulary},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ISCA International Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE '09)},
year = {2009},
month = {September},
pages = {129 - 132},