Automated light microscopy for the study of the brain: cellular and molecular dynamics, development and tumorigenesis
Journal Article, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences: Imaging Brain Structure and Function: Emerging Technologies in the Neurosciences, Vol. 820, No. 1, pp. 208 - 228, May, 1997
This work was supported by NSF Science and Technology Center Grant MCB-8920118, NSF Grant BIR-9217091, and the Pittsburgh Foundation, Copeland Fund (K.A.G.).
This work was supported by NSF Science and Technology Center Grant MCB-8920118, NSF Grant BIR-9217091, and the Pittsburgh Foundation, Copeland Fund (K.A.G.).
@article{Taylor-1997-16408,author = {D. L. Taylor and K. Burton and R. L. DeBiasio and K. A. Giuliano and A. H. Gough and T. Leonardo and J. A. Pollock and Daniel Farkas},
title = {Automated light microscopy for the study of the brain: cellular and molecular dynamics, development and tumorigenesis},
journal = {Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences: Imaging Brain Structure and Function: Emerging Technologies in the Neurosciences},
year = {1997},
month = {May},
volume = {820},
number = {1},
pages = {208 - 228},
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