Automated visual grading of vegetative cuttings
Conference Paper, Proceedings of SPIE Optics in Agriculture, Forestry, and Biological Processing II, Vol. 2907, pp. 88 - 99, November, 1996
Commercial vegetative propagation of floricultural crops requires the segregation of plant cuttings into categories based on size. The cuttings however must be graded when they are planted ('stuck'), at which time the grade of a cutting is not easy to determine. This paper reports on a system that learns to classify cuttings from being shown examples of images of cuttings that have been graded by a human expert. Based on the example set, the system learns to grade cuttings into categories. We report the results based on a set of 150 geranium plants that were graded by our system and compare the results to the performance of an expert grader.
@conference{Ji-1996-14236,author = {Qiang Ji and Sanjiv Singh},
title = {Automated visual grading of vegetative cuttings},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE Optics in Agriculture, Forestry, and Biological Processing II},
year = {1996},
month = {November},
volume = {2907},
pages = {88 - 99},
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