Automatic Bilateral Symmetry (Midsagittal) Plane Extraction from Pathological 3D Neuroradiological Images - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Automatic Bilateral Symmetry (Midsagittal) Plane Extraction from Pathological 3D Neuroradiological Images

Yanxi Liu, Robert Collins, and William E. Rothfus
Conference Paper, Proceedings of SPIE International Symposium on Medical Imaging, Vol. 3338, pp. 1528 - 1539, February, 1998


Most pathologies (tumor, bleed, stroke) of the human brain can be determined by a symmetry-based analysis of neural scans showing the brain's 3D internal structure. Detecting departures of this internal structure from its normal bilateral symmetry can guide the classification of abnormalities. This process is facilitated by first locating the ideal symmetry plane (midsagittal) with respect to which the brain is invariant under reflection. An algorithm to automatically identify this bilateral symmetry plane from a given 3D clinical image has been developed. The method has been tested on both normal and pathological brain scans, multimodal data (CT and MR), and on coarsely sliced samples with elongated voxel sizes.

Proceedings 3338-161


author = {Yanxi Liu and Robert Collins and William E. Rothfus},
title = {Automatic Bilateral Symmetry (Midsagittal) Plane Extraction from Pathological 3D Neuroradiological Images},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE International Symposium on Medical Imaging},
year = {1998},
month = {February},
volume = {3338},
pages = {1528 - 1539},