Automation for Specialty Crops: A Comprehensive Strategy, Current Results, and Future Goals
Workshop Paper, IFAC '09 4th International Workshop on Bio-Robotics, Information Technology and Intelligent Control for Bioproduction Systems, September, 2009
Specialty crops are defined as fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits and nursery crops including floriculture. In 2008 the US Department of Agriculture launched the Specialty Crop Research Initiative to promote innovative research and development in five legislatively-mandated areas: plant breeding and genetics; threats from pests and diseases; production efficiency, productivity, and profitability; innovations and new technologies; and methods to prevent, detect, monitor, control, and respond to food safety hazards. This article presents the technical goals and current progress of Comprehensive Automation for Specialty Crops, one of the 18 projects funded under the initiative in its first funding round.
(to appear)
(to appear)
@workshop{Singh-2009-10312,author = {Sanjiv Singh and Tara Baugher and Marcel Bergerman and Katie Ellis and Benjamin P. Grocholsky and Bradley Hamner and Jay Harper and Gwen-Alyn Hoheisel and Larry Hull and Vincent Jones and George A. Kantor and Brian Kliethermes and Harvey Koselka and Karen Lewis and Jacqueline Libby and William Messner and Henry Ngugi and James Owen and Johnny Park and Clark Seavert and Wenfan Shi and James Teza},
title = {Automation for Specialty Crops: A Comprehensive Strategy, Current Results, and Future Goals},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IFAC '09 4th International Workshop on Bio-Robotics, Information Technology and Intelligent Control for Bioproduction Systems},
year = {2009},
month = {September},
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