Autonomous River Navigation
Conference Paper, Proceedings of SPIE Mobile Robots XVII, Vol. 5609, pp. 221 - 232, December, 2004
Existing maritime navigation and reconnaissance systems require man-in-the-loop situation awareness for obstacle avoidance, area survey analysis, threat assessment, and mission re-planning. We have developed a boat with fully autonomous navigation, surveillance, and reactive behaviors. Autonomous water navigation is achieved with no prior maps or other data - the water surface, riverbanks obstacles, movers and salient objects are discovered and mapped in real-time using a circular array of cameras along with a self-directed pan-tilt camera. The autonomous boat has been tested on harbor and river domains. Results of the detection, tracking, mapping and navigation will be presented.
@conference{Snyder-2004-9098,author = {Franklin D. Snyder and Daniel D. Morris and Paul H. Haley and Robert Collins and Andrea M. Okerholm},
title = {Autonomous River Navigation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE Mobile Robots XVII},
year = {2004},
month = {December},
editor = {Douglas W. Gage},
volume = {5609},
pages = {221 - 232},
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