BiddingBot: a multiagent support system for cooperative bidding in multiple auctions - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

BiddingBot: a multiagent support system for cooperative bidding in multiple auctions

T. Ito, N. Fukuta, Toramatsu Shintani, and Katia Sycara
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on MultiAgent Systems (ICMAS '00), pp. 399 - 400, July, 2000


Online auctions are becoming an increasingly important channel for electronic commerce. There exist more than 150 online auction sites on the Internet. It is difficult for users to attend, monitor, and bid at multiple auction sites simultaneously. The authors propose BiddingBot which is a multi agent system that supports users in attending, monitoring, and bidding in multiple auctions. BiddingBot monitors prices of goods in several online auction sites to get reasonable market prices of goods, and uses a new cooperative bidding mechanism to effectively bid in auctions.


author = {T. Ito and N. Fukuta and Toramatsu Shintani and Katia Sycara},
title = {BiddingBot: a multiagent support system for cooperative bidding in multiple auctions},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 4th International Conference on MultiAgent Systems (ICMAS '00)},
year = {2000},
month = {July},
pages = {399 - 400},