Bringing Photographs to Life with View Morphing - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Bringing Photographs to Life with View Morphing

Steven Seitz
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Imagina '97, pp. 153 - 158, February, 1997


Photographs and paintings are limited in the amount of information they can convey due to their inherent lack of motion and depth. Using image morphing methods, it is now possible to add 2D motion to photographs by moving and blending image pixels in creative ways. We have taken this concept a step further by adding the ability to convey three-dimensional motions, such as scene rotations and viewpoint changes, by manipulating one or more photographs of a scene. The effect transforms a photograph or painting into an interactive visualization of the underlying object or scene in which the world may be rotated in 3D. Several potential applications of this technology are discussed, in areas such as virtual reality, image databases, and special effects.


author = {Steven Seitz},
title = {Bringing Photographs to Life with View Morphing},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Imagina '97},
year = {1997},
month = {February},
pages = {153 - 158},