Building and learning from a contextual knowledge base for a personalized physical therapy coach
Workshop Paper, ICML '13 Workshop on Robot Learning (WROBL '13), Vol. 3, No. 5, June, 2013
Robotic systems that interact with humans must modify and personalize their behavior based on contextual information if we wish for them to be effective. In this paper, we present a novel learning framework for collecting and utilizing information in a Contextual Knowledge Base. This knowledge base can be used to represent information that is unique to a given user and environment, and the contents of the knowledge base can be used as input to a learning algorithm to personalize the behavior of the system to the current context. We present preliminary results when using this framework as part of a physical therapy exercise coach.
@workshop{Fisher-2013-122342,author = {Robert Fisher and Thomas Kollar and Reid Simmons},
title = {Building and learning from a contextual knowledge base for a personalized physical therapy coach},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ICML '13 Workshop on Robot Learning (WROBL '13)},
year = {2013},
month = {June},
volume = {3},
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