Building Safer UGVs with Run-time Safety Invariants
Conference Paper, Proceedings of National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Systems Engineering Conference, October, 2009
To be useful, unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) must safely operate alongside personnel, although this is not yet reliable enough with today’s technology. The use of physical safety barriers and large stand-off distances is acceptable only during testing; it is infeasible for use in the real world. We are developing safeguards to reduce dependence on physical barriers and large standoff distances for UGV operating alongside personnel in real, dynamic operations.
@conference{Wagner-2009-17079,author = {Michael D. Wagner and Phil Koopman and John Bares and Chris Ostrowski},
title = {Building Safer UGVs with Run-time Safety Invariants},
booktitle = {Proceedings of National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Systems Engineering Conference},
year = {2009},
month = {October},
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