Case studies of a robot-based game to shape interests and hone proportional reasoning skills - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Case studies of a robot-based game to shape interests and hone proportional reasoning skills

Louis Alfieri, Ross Higashi, Robin Shoop, and Christian D. Schunn
Journal Article, International Journal of STEM Education, Vol. 2, No. 1, February, 2015



Robot-math is a term used to describe mathematics instruction centered on engineering, particularly robotics. This type of instruction seeks first to make the mathematics skills useful for robotics-centered challenges, and then to help students extend (transfer) those skills. A robot-math intervention was designed to target the proportional reasoning skills of sixth- through eighth-graders. Proportional reasoning lays the foundation for further progress within mathematics. It is also necessary for success in a number of other domains (engineering, science, etc.). Furthermore, proportional reasoning is a life skill that helps with daily decision making, planning, etc. However, it is a skill that is complex and often difficult for students. Previous attempts to design similar robot-math activities have struggled to focus students’ attention on key mathematics concepts (in complex engineering domains), and to motivate students to use the math properly. The current intervention was designed with these challenges in mind. This intervention centers on a computer-based 3D game called Expedition Atlantis. It employs a game design that focuses student attention on a specific proportional reasoning task: students calculate correct quantities of wheel rotations to move the robot to desired locations. The software also offers individualized tutorials. Whole-class discussions around daily word problems promote further application of proportional reasoning outside the robot programming context. The 1-week intervention was implemented by three teachers at different schools with varying levels of ability among students.


Overall, within-participant comparisons revealed that the intervention was successful in improving the number of correct responses, the number of problems attempted, the proportions of correct responses, students’ interest in robotics, and students’ valuing of mathematics within robotics from pre- to post-test. Further analysis of teachers revealed that the two class sections of special education benefited most. Consideration was given to the qualities of the implementation that might have led to these enhancements.


The success of this intervention suggests that robot-math activities might be successful when focused on a few target skills and when designed with individualized tutorials/prompts that motivate proper skills. Further investigations of student and implementation characteristics would help to refine these interventions further.

The research reported herein was supported by award #FA8750-10-2-0165 from the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) as part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) ENGAGE initiative, Robin Shoop, PI. The opinions are those of the authors and do not represent the policies of the funding agency.


author = {Louis Alfieri and Ross Higashi and Robin Shoop and Christian D. Schunn},
title = {Case studies of a robot-based game to shape interests and hone proportional reasoning skills},
journal = {International Journal of STEM Education},
year = {2015},
month = {February},
volume = {2},
number = {1},