CCD-Based Range-Finding Sensor
Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 44, No. 10, pp. 1648 - 1652, October, 1997
Integration-time-based, time-domain computation provides an area-efficient way to process image information by directly handling photo-created charge during photo-sensing. We have fabricated and tested a CCD-based range-finding sensor which uses the time-of-flight method for range measurement. The sensor exploits two charge packets for light integration and detects the delay of the received light pulse relative to the transmitted light pulse. It has detected a 10 cm distance difference at the range of 150 cm in the dark background.
@article{Miyagawa-1997-14505,author = {R. Miyagawa and Takeo Kanade},
title = {CCD-Based Range-Finding Sensor},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices},
year = {1997},
month = {October},
volume = {44},
number = {10},
pages = {1648 - 1652},
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