Choreographing theatrical scenes for aerial robots through keyframe interpolation - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Choreographing theatrical scenes for aerial robots through keyframe interpolation

E. A. Cappo, Z. Rispoli, N. Dehghani, D. Mitchell, A. Momeni, and N. Michael
Workshop Paper, IROS '16 Workshop on Artistically Skilled Robots, October, 2016


We detail an approach for translating storyboarding, a common method of spatial and temporal motion design used by choreographers and theatric directors, into dynamically feasible trajectories for multiple aerial vehicles for use in theatric performances. We show flight results for motions designed for groups of four, six, and eight quadrotors, and discuss design considerations for extending the implementation to more complex choreographies.


author = {E. A. Cappo and Z. Rispoli and N. Dehghani and D. Mitchell and A. Momeni and N. Michael},
title = {Choreographing theatrical scenes for aerial robots through keyframe interpolation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IROS '16 Workshop on Artistically Skilled Robots},
year = {2016},
month = {October},