Cognitive Modeling and Group Adaptation in Intelligent Multi-Agent Meeting Scheduling
Workshop Paper, 1st Iberoamerican Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems (IberAgents '96), pp. 55 - 72, November, 1996
In the framework of meeting scheduling problems, we present an approach where for every agent the behavior of other agents is explained in terms of a common cognitive structure. This structure accounts for the combination of emotional and intellectual factors which produce a particular behavior when confronted to a particular situation generated by an ecology of truly decentralized agents, interacting in a concurrent way. The cognitive structure is translated into a computational architecture intended for empirical experimentation. We present a research perspective aimed to investigate group adaptation and evolution as a consequence of the refinement of every agent cognitive model that each agent maintain.
This research has been sponsored in part by CONACYT and ITESM Campus Monterrey.
This research has been sponsored in part by CONACYT and ITESM Campus Monterrey.
@workshop{Garrido-1996-16341,author = {Leonardo Garrido and R. Brena and Katia Sycara},
title = {Cognitive Modeling and Group Adaptation in Intelligent Multi-Agent Meeting Scheduling},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 1st Iberoamerican Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems (IberAgents '96)},
year = {1996},
month = {November},
editor = {C. Lema?re},
pages = {55 - 72},
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