Collision Warning and Sensor Data Processing in Urban Areas
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, pp. 73 - 78, June, 2005
Providing drivers with comprehensive assistance systems has long been a goal for the automotive industry. The challenge is on many fronts, from building sensors, analyzing sensor data, automated understanding of traffic situations and appropriate interaction with the driver. These issues are discussed with the example of a collision warning system for transit buses.
@conference{Mertz-2005-9202,author = {Christoph Mertz and David Duggins and Jay Gowdy and John Kozar and Robert MacLachlan and Aaron Steinfeld and Arne Suppe and Chuck Thorpe and Chieh-Chih Wang},
title = {Collision Warning and Sensor Data Processing in Urban Areas},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 5th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications},
year = {2005},
month = {June},
pages = {73 - 78},
keywords = {collision warning, sensor processing, perception},
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