Computer Recognition of Human Faces - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Computer Recognition of Human Faces

Journal Article, Interdisciplinary Systems Research, Vol. 47, 1977


Pictures o f human faces are successfully analyzed by a computer program which extracts face-feature points, such as nose, mouth, eyes and so on. The program was tested with more than 800 photographs. Emphasis is put on the flexible picture analysis scheme with feedback which was first enployed in the picture analysis program with remarkable success. The program consists of a collection of rather simple subroutines, each of which works on the specific part of the picture, and elaborate combination of them with backup procedures makes the whole process flexible and adaptive. An experiment on face identification of 20 people was also conducted.


author = {Takeo Kanade},
title = {Computer Recognition of Human Faces},
journal = {Interdisciplinary Systems Research},
year = {1977},
month = {January},
volume = {47},