Confounded Expectations: Informedia at TRECVID 2004
Workshop Paper, TREC '04 TRECVID Workshop, November, 2004
For TRECVID 2004, CMU participated in the semantic feature extraction task, and the manual, interactive and automatic search tasks. For the semantic features classifiers, we tried unimodal, multi-modal and multi-concept classifiers. In interactive search, we compared a visual-only vs a complete video retrieval system using visual AND text data, and also contrasted expert vs novice users; The manual runs were similar to 2003, but they did not work comparably to last year, Additionally, we shared our low-level features with the TRECVID community.
@workshop{Hauptmann-2004-126434,author = {Alexander G. Hauptmann and Ming-yu Chen and Michael G. Christel and C. Huang and Wei-Hao Lin and Tobun D. Ng and Norman Papernick and A. Velivelli and J. Yang and Rong Yan and H. Yang and Howard D. Wactlar},
title = {Confounded Expectations: Informedia at TRECVID 2004},
booktitle = {Proceedings of TREC '04 TRECVID Workshop},
year = {2004},
month = {November},
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