Connected Components with Split and Merge
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 5th International Parallel Processing Symposium, pp. 194 - 201, April, 1991
The split and merge model is a reasonable method for architecture-independent programming of global image processing operations on parallel architectures. We consider image connected components from the point of view of this programming model, and develop split and merge algorithms that implement various connected components algorithms that have appeared in the literature. The algorithms are implemented in two architectures independent languages we have developed, namely Apply and Adapt. Performance of the algorithms on the Sun, the Carnegie Mellon Warp, and the Camegie Mellon Nectar architectures is compared.
@conference{Kistler-1991-13241,author = {James J. Kistler and Jon A. Webb},
title = {Connected Components with Split and Merge},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 5th International Parallel Processing Symposium},
year = {1991},
month = {April},
pages = {194 - 201},
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