Constraint-Based Landmark Localization - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Constraint-Based Landmark Localization

Ashley Stroupe, Kevin Sikorski, and Tucker Balch
Conference Paper, Proceedings of RoboCup 2002: Robot Soccer World Cup IV, June, 2002


We present an approach to the landmark-based robot localization problem for environments, such as RoboCup middle-size soccer, that provide limited or low-quality information for localization. This approach allows use of different types of measurements on potential landmarks in order to increase landmark availability. Some sensors or landmarks might provide only range (such as field walls) or only bearing measurements (such as goals). The approach makes use of inexpensive sensors (color vision) using fast, simple updates robust to low landmark visibility and high noise. This localization method has been demonstrated in laboratory experiments and RoboCup 2001. Experimental analysis of the relative benefits of the approach is provided.


author = {Ashley Stroupe and Kevin Sikorski and Tucker Balch},
title = {Constraint-Based Landmark Localization},
booktitle = {Proceedings of RoboCup 2002: Robot Soccer World Cup IV},
year = {2002},
month = {June},
editor = {Gal Kaminka, Pedro Lima, Raul Rojas},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
keywords = {mobile robot, localization},