Creation and Demonstration of a Framework for Handling Paths in ITK
Workshop Paper, MICCAI '05 Workshop on Open-Source Software issue of The Insight Journal, August, 2005
A hierarchy of path data types and basic path filters were added to ITK, providing a general framework for curves that map a scalar value to a point in n-dimensional space. The framework supports curves that are either continuous (parametric curves) or discrete (chain-codes). Example usage of the entire framework is demonstrated using a previously published 2D active contour algorithm that was converted to ITK.
@workshop{Galeotti-2005-9271,author = {John Galeotti and George D. Stetten},
title = {Creation and Demonstration of a Framework for Handling Paths in ITK},
booktitle = {Proceedings of MICCAI '05 Workshop on Open-Source Software issue of The Insight Journal},
year = {2005},
month = {August},
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