Data Mining at CALD-CMU: Tools, Experiences and Research Directions
Conference Paper, Proceedings of AFCEA International's First Federal Data Mining Symposium, December, 1997
We describe the data mining problems and solutions that we have encountered in the Center for Automated Learning and Discovery (CALD) at CMU. Specifically, we describe these settings and their operational characteristics, describe our proposed solutions, list the performance results, and finally outline future research directions.
@conference{Faloutsos-1997-16371,author = {C Faloutsos and G. Gibson and Tom Mitchell and Andrew Moore and Sebastian Thrun},
title = {Data Mining at CALD-CMU: Tools, Experiences and Research Directions},
booktitle = {Proceedings of AFCEA International's First Federal Data Mining Symposium},
year = {1997},
month = {December},
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