Dependable Perception for Robots
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE International Advanced Robotics Programme, May, 2001
The weakest link in many mobile robots is perception. In order to build robots that are reliable and dependable and safe, we need to build robots that can see. Perception is becoming a solved problem for certain constrained environments. But for robots working outdoors, and at high speeds, and in close proximity to people, perception is still incomplete. Our robots need to see objects; to detect motion; and to detect which of those objects are people. In the current state of the art, this requires multiple sensors and multiple means of interpretation. This paper illustrates those principles in the context of the CMU Navlab Group's work on vehicle safety for busses and passenger cars.
@conference{Thorpe-2001-8214,author = {Chuck Thorpe and Olivier Clatz and David Duggins and Jay Gowdy and Robert MacLachlan and James Ryan Miller and Christoph Mertz and Mel Siegel and Chieh-Chih Wang and Teruko Yata},
title = {Dependable Perception for Robots},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Advanced Robotics Programme},
year = {2001},
month = {May},
publisher = {Robotics and Automation Society},
address = {Seoul, Korea},
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