Determining reflectance properties of an object using range and brightness images - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Determining reflectance properties of an object using range and brightness images

Katsushi Ikeuchi and K. Sato
Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp. 1139 - 1153, November, 1991


The authors discuss a method of recovering reflectance properties of a surface from a range image given by a range finder and a brightness image given by a standard TV camera. The Torrance-Sparrow model is used for the reflectance model. The model consists of the Lambertian and specular components: its reflectance properties consist of the relative strength between the Lambertian and specular components and specular sharpness as well as light source direction. An iterative least square fitting method is used to obtain these parameters based on the range and brightness images. An input image is segmented into four different parts using the parameters: Lambertian reflection, specular reflection, interreflection, and shadow part. The authors also reconstruct ideal images that consist of only Lambertian or specular reflection.


author = {Katsushi Ikeuchi and K. Sato},
title = {Determining reflectance properties of an object using range and brightness images},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
year = {1991},
month = {November},
volume = {13},
number = {11},
pages = {1139 - 1153},