Developing Plans for Robotic Excavators
Conference Paper, Proceedings of ASCE Specialty Conference on Robotics for Challenging Environments I (RCE '94), pp. 88 - 96, February, 1994
We would like a robot excavator that is able to excavate a volume of soil according to specification. To this end we have developed a general method that can be used to provide prescriptions as to where and how to dig for a variety of excavator configurations and tasks. This paper presents simulation results of a front-end loader performing a loading task. In addition, preliminary results from a trenching experiments conducted with a robot in our lab are presented.
@conference{Singh-1994-13623,author = {Sanjiv Singh},
title = {Developing Plans for Robotic Excavators},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ASCE Specialty Conference on Robotics for Challenging Environments I (RCE '94)},
year = {1994},
month = {February},
pages = {88 - 96},
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