Digitalized Modeling of Human Hand through Contour Analysis in Hand Gesture Recognition
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Automation Technology, pp. 5217 - 5220, May, 2011
This paper introduced a method of building and fixing a digitalized model of human hand gesture through contour analysis of the hand’s orthographic projection. Via contour analysis the fingers and palm on the projection are located and their quantized characters are calculated. The model is used in a gesture recognition method, where the articulation is of core concern. Thus the method is adaptive to different subjects with no require of pre-built gesture library or training, and its high efficiency enable it to work in real-time condition. The primal object of the recognition is to control robot hands. Keywordshand gesture recognition; contour analysis; humancomputer interaction; control of robot hands
@conference{Yuan-2011-119933,author = {Wenzhen Yuan and Wenzeng Zhang},
title = {Digitalized Modeling of Human Hand through Contour Analysis in Hand Gesture Recognition},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Automation Technology},
year = {2011},
month = {May},
pages = {5217 - 5220},
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