Discrete Actuator Array Vectorfield Design for Distributed Manipulation - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Discrete Actuator Array Vectorfield Design for Distributed Manipulation

Jon Luntz, W. Messner, and Howie Choset
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (ICRA) International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 3, pp. 2235 - 2241, May, 1999


The modular distributed manipulator system (MDMS) is a macroscopic actuator array which can manipulate objects in the plane. The piecewise-constant dynamics of manipulation on the MDMS are developed based on an exact discrete representation of the system. The resulting dynamics are inverted enabling the calculation of an open-loop vectorfield which provides arbitrary uniform object dynamics. The vector field positions, and under certain assumptions, orients objects.


author = {Jon Luntz and W. Messner and Howie Choset},
title = {Discrete Actuator Array Vectorfield Design for Distributed Manipulation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of (ICRA) International Conference on Robotics and Automation},
year = {1999},
month = {May},
volume = {3},
pages = {2235 - 2241},