Discriminative models for static human-object interactions
Workshop Paper, CVPR '10 Workshop on Structured Models in Computer Vision (SMiCV '10), pp. 9 - 16, June, 2010
We advocate an approach to activity recognition based on modeling contextual interactions between postured human bodies and nearby objects. We focus on the difficult task of recognizing actions from static images and formulate the problem as a latent structured labeling problem. We develop a unified, discriminative model for such context-based action recognition building on recent techniques for learning large-scale discriminative models. The resulting contextual models learned by our system outperform previously published results on a database of sports actions.
@workshop{Desai-2010-121220,author = {Chaitanya Desai and Deva Ramanan and Charless Fowlkes},
title = {Discriminative models for static human-object interactions},
booktitle = {Proceedings of CVPR '10 Workshop on Structured Models in Computer Vision (SMiCV '10)},
year = {2010},
month = {June},
pages = {9 - 16},
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