DPOCL: A Principled Approach to Discourse Planning - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

DPOCL: A Principled Approach to Discourse Planning

Robert Michael Young and Johanna D. Moore
Workshop Paper, 7th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation (NLG '94), pp. 13 - 20, June, 1994


Research in discourse processing has identified two representational requirements for discourse planning systems. First, discourse plans must adequately represent the intentional structure of the utterances they produce in order to enable a computational discourse agent to respond effectively to communicative failures [15]. Second, discourse plans must represent the informational structure of utterances. In addition to these representational requirements, we argue that discourse planners should be formally characterisable in terms of soundness and completeness.


author = {Robert Michael Young and Johanna D. Moore},
title = {DPOCL: A Principled Approach to Discourse Planning},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation (NLG '94)},
year = {1994},
month = {June},
pages = {13 - 20},