Dynamic aggregation with circular visual designs - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Dynamic aggregation with circular visual designs

Mei Chuah
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (INFOVIS '98), pp. 35 - 43, October, 1998


One very effective method for managing large data sets is aggregation or binning. We consider two aggregation methods that are tightly coupled with interactive manipulation and the visual representation of the data. Through this integration we hope to provide effective support for the aggregation process, specifically by enabling: 1) automatic aggregation, 2) continuous change and control of the aggregation level, 3) spatially based aggregates, 4) context maintenance across different aggregate levels, and 5) feedback on the level of aggregation.


author = {Mei Chuah},
title = {Dynamic aggregation with circular visual designs},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (INFOVIS '98)},
year = {1998},
month = {October},
pages = {35 - 43},