Effects of automation on situation awareness in controlling robot teams
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Advances in Human Computer Interaction (ACHI '11), pp. 242 - 248, February, 2011
Declines in situation awareness (SA) often accompany automation. Some of these effects have been characterized as out-of-the-loop, complacency, and automation bias. Increasing autonomy in multi-robot control might be expected to produce similar declines in operators’ SA. In this paper we review a series of experiments in which automation is introduced in controlling robot teams. Automating path planning at a foraging task improved both target detection and localization which is closely tied to SA. Timing data, however, suggested small declines in SA for robot location and pose. Automation of image acquisition, by contrast, led to poorer localization. Findings are discussed and alternative explanations involving shifts in strategy proposed.
@conference{Sycara-2011-7224,author = {Katia Sycara},
title = {Effects of automation on situation awareness in controlling robot teams},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Advances in Human Computer Interaction (ACHI '11)},
year = {2011},
month = {February},
pages = {242 - 248},
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