Enhanced Remote Visual Inspection of Aircraft Skin
Workshop Paper, Intelligent NDE Sciences for Aging and Futuristic Aircraft Workshop, pp. 101 - 112, September, 1997
Visual inspection is the most widely used method in commercial aircraft surface inspection. We have developed a prototype remote visual inspection system, designed to facilitate testing the feasibility and advantages of remote visual inspection of aircraft surfaces. We describe experiments with image understanding algorithms to aid remote visual inspection by enhancing and recognizing surface cracks and corrosion from live imagery. Also described are the supporting mobile robot platform that delivers the imagery, and the inspection console through which the inspector accesses it. We discuss initial results of the image understanding algorithms and speculate on their future use in aircraft surface inspection.
@workshop{Siegel-1997-14464,author = {Mel Siegel and Priyan Gunatilake},
title = {Enhanced Remote Visual Inspection of Aircraft Skin},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Intelligent NDE Sciences for Aging and Futuristic Aircraft Workshop},
year = {1997},
month = {September},
pages = {101 - 112},
keywords = {enhanced remote robotic visual inspection, stereoscopic, multiresolution, ANDI, CIMP,},
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