Evaluation of an automated Reading Tutor that listens: Comparison to human tutoring and classroom instruction
A year-long study of 131 second and third graders in 12 classrooms compared three daily 20-minute treatments. (a) 58 students in 6 classrooms used the 1999-2000 version of Project LISTEN's Reading Tutor, a computer program that uses automated speech recognition to listen to a child read aloud, and gives spoken and graphical assistance. Students took daily turns using one shared Reading Tutor in their classroom while the rest of their class received regular instruction. (b) 34 students in the other 6 classrooms were pulled out daily for one-on-one tutoring by certified teachers. To control for materials, the human tutors used the same set of stories as the Reading Tutor. (c) 39 students served as in-classroom controls, receiving regular instruction without tutoring. We compared students' pre- to post-test gains on the Word Identification, Word Attack, Word Comprehension, and Passage Comprehension subtests of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test, and in oral reading fluency. Surprisingly, the human-tutored group significantly outgained the Reading Tutor group only in Word Attack (main effects p
@article{Mostow-2003-8610,author = {Jack Mostow and Gregory Aist and Paul Burkhead and A. Corbett and Andrew Cuneo and S. Eitelman and Cathy Huang and Brian Junker and Mary Beth Sklar and Brian Tobin},
title = {Evaluation of an automated Reading Tutor that listens: Comparison to human tutoring and classroom instruction},
journal = {Journal of Educational Computing Research},
year = {2003},
month = {July},
volume = {29},
number = {1},
pages = {61 - 117},