EventScope: Amplifying Human Knowledge and Experience via Intelligent Robotic Systems and Information Interaction
Workshop Paper, 9th IEEE International Workshop on Robot-Human Interaction (RO-MAN '00), pp. 292 - 296, September, 2000
The EventScope program develops publicly accessible ?eality browsers?that display both archived and updating representations of remote environments derived from on-site robotic sensors. The interface encourages collaborative work within a community of users. Public exploration of real remote sites presents a variety of interface issues addressed by EventScope, including time delay, public exploration via a single robot and communication between geographically separate users from diverse backgrounds. Merging public interface with educational and contextual information extends the notion of ?nterface?to ?emote reality library.?EventScope is a NASA and private foundation-funded project based at Carnegie Mellon University.
@workshop{Coppin-2000-8102,author = {Peter Coppin and Richard Pell and Michael D. Wagner and John R. Hayes and Junlei Li and Liza Hall and Karl Fischer and David Hirschfield and William (Red) L. Whittaker},
title = {EventScope: Amplifying Human Knowledge and Experience via Intelligent Robotic Systems and Information Interaction},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Workshop on Robot-Human Interaction (RO-MAN '00)},
year = {2000},
month = {September},
pages = {292 - 296},
keywords = {Human computer interaction, telerobotics},
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