Expensive Multiobjective Optimization and Validation with a Robotics Application
Workshop Paper, NeurIPS '12 Workshop on Bayesian Optimization and Decision Making, December, 2012
Many practical optimization problems, especially in robotics, involve multiple competing objectives, e.g. performance metrics such as speed and energy efficiency. Proper treatment of these objective functions is often overlooked. Additionally, optimization of the performance of robotic systems can be restricted due to the expensive nature of testing control parameters on a physical system. This paper presents a multi-objective optimization (MOO) algorithm for expensive-to-evaluate functions which generates a Pareto set of solutions. This algorithm is compared against another leading MOO algorithm, and then used to optimize the speed and head stability of the sidewinding gait for a snake robot.
@workshop{Tesch-2012-7646,author = {Matthew Tesch and Jeff Schneider and Howie Choset},
title = {Expensive Multiobjective Optimization and Validation with a Robotics Application},
booktitle = {Proceedings of NeurIPS '12 Workshop on Bayesian Optimization and Decision Making},
year = {2012},
month = {December},
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