Experience with Learning Agents which Manage Internet-Based Information
Conference Paper, Proceedings of AAAI '96 Spring Symposium on Machine Learning in Information Access, pp. 31 - 40, March, 1996
To provide assistance with tasks such as retrieving USENET news articles or identifying interesting Web pages, an intelligent agent requires information about a user's interests and needs. Machine learning techniques are now being used to acquire this information. A general architecture is presented, and two approaches to learning through observation are described. An instantiation of the architecture is then evaluated.
@conference{Edwards-1996-16338,author = {P. Edwards and D. Bayer and Terence Payne and C. L. Green},
title = {Experience with Learning Agents which Manage Internet-Based Information},
booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI '96 Spring Symposium on Machine Learning in Information Access},
year = {1996},
month = {March},
pages = {31 - 40},
publisher = {AAAI Press},
address = {Menlo Park, CA},
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