Experiments on Cross-language Acoustic Modeling
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '01), September, 2001
With the distribution of speech products all over the world, the portability to new target languages becomes a practical concern. As a consequence our research focuses on rapid transfer of LVCSR systems to other languages. In former studies we evaluated the performance if limited adaptation data is available. Particularly for very time constrained tasks and minority languages, it is even reasonable that no training data is available at all. In this paper we examine what performance can be expected in this scenario. All experiments are run in the framework of the GlobalPhone project which investigates LVCSR systems in 15 languages.
@conference{-2001-8309,author = {T. Schultz and Alex Waibel},
title = {Experiments on Cross-language Acoustic Modeling},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '01)},
year = {2001},
month = {September},
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