Extending the OneSAF Testbed into a C4ISR Testbed
This article describes how the modeling and simulation environment of the OneSAF Testbed Baseline (OTB) v1.0 has been extended to enable the testing of heterogeneous algorithms that are being designed for real-world C4ISR applications. This has been accomplished by building an architecture that extends functional and logical components of the OTB system in the following ways: the use of the OTB Compact Terrain Database for terrain analysis and preliminary threat assessment, the addition of the RETSINA-OTB Bridge for the real-time query and control of OTB entities, and the addition of new DIS-based sensor entities for interoperation with Command and Control algorithms, to name a few. This article illustrates how to make a few small but general extensions to a modeling and simulation system to create a larger testbed system with minimum impact on the native system and with great potential for the range of applications that can exploit it.
@article{Giampapa-2004-9088,author = {Joseph Andrew Giampapa and Katia Sycara and Sean R. Owens and Robin Glinton and Young-Woo Seo and Bin Yu and Charles E. Grindle and},
title = {Extending the OneSAF Testbed into a C4ISR Testbed},
journal = {SIMULATION: Special Issue on Military Simulation Systems and Command and Control Systems Interoperability},
year = {2004},
month = {December},
volume = {80},
number = {12},
pages = {681 - 691},
keywords = {modeling, simulation, agents, information fusion, terrain analysis, OneSAF, RETSINA},