Face recognition using class specific dictionary learning for sparse representation and collaborative representation - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Face recognition using class specific dictionary learning for sparse representation and collaborative representation

Bao-Di Liu, Bin Shen, Liangke Gui, Yuxiong Wang, Xue Li, Fei Yan, and Yan-Jiang Wang
Journal Article, Neurocomputing, Vol. 204, pp. 198 - 210, September, 2016


Recently, sparse representation based classification (SRC) and collaborative representation based classification (CRC) have been successfully used for visual recognition and have demonstrated impressive performance. Given a test sample, SRC or CRC formulates its linear representation with respect to the training samples and then computes the residual error for each class. SRC or CRC assumes that the training samples from each class contribute equally to the dictionary in the corresponding class, i.e., the dictionary consists of the training samples in that class. This, however, leads to high residual error and instability. To overcome this limitation, we propose a class specific dictionary learning algorithm. To be specific, by introducing the dual form of dictionary learning, an explicit relationship between the basis vectors and the original image features is represented, which also enhances the interpretability. SRC or CRC can be thus considered as a special case of the proposed algorithm. Blockwise coordinate descent algorithm and Lagrange multipliers are then adopted to optimize the corresponding objective function. Extensive experimental results on five benchmark face recognition datasets show that the proposed algorithm achieves superior performance compared with conventional classification algorithms.


author = {Bao-Di Liu and Bin Shen and Liangke Gui and Yuxiong Wang and Xue Li and Fei Yan and Yan-Jiang Wang},
title = {Face recognition using class specific dictionary learning for sparse representation and collaborative representation},
journal = {Neurocomputing},
year = {2016},
month = {September},
volume = {204},
pages = {198 - 210},