Fast Distribution To Real Regression - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Fast Distribution To Real Regression

J. Oliva, W. Neiswanger, B. Poczos, J. Schneider, and E. Xing
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS '14), Vol. 33, pp. 706 - 714, April, 2014


We study the problem of distribution to real regression, where one aims to regress a mapping f that takes in a distribution input covariate P∈\mathcalI (for a non-parametric family of distributions \mathcalI) and outputs a real-valued response Y=f(P) + ε. This setting was recently studied in Pózcos et al. (2013), where the “Kernel-Kernel” estimator was introduced and shown to have a polynomial rate of convergence. However, evaluating a new prediction with the Kernel-Kernel estimator scales as Ω(N). This causes the difficult situation where a large amount of data may be necessary for a low estimation risk, but the computation cost of estimation becomes infeasible when the data-set is too large. To this end, we propose the Double-Basis estimator, which looks to alleviate this big data problem in two ways: first, the Double-Basis estimator is shown to have a computation complexity that is independent of the number of of instances N when evaluating new predictions after training; secondly, the Double-Basis estimator is shown to have a fast rate of convergence for a general class of mappings f∈\mathcalF.


author = {J. Oliva and W. Neiswanger and B. Poczos and J. Schneider and E. Xing},
title = {Fast Distribution To Real Regression},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS '14)},
year = {2014},
month = {April},
volume = {33},
pages = {706 - 714},