Finite Element Pre-operative Simulation Of Cementless Hip Replacement
Conference Paper, Proceedings 26th Winter Simulation Conference (WSC '94), pp. 856 - 860, December, 1994
Cementless hip replacement surgery requires increased precision of the bone preparation and appropriate biomechanical feedback to avoid problems of implant instability and bone damage. This paper presents finite element simulations of both femoral and acetabular cementless Components. The models focus on the simulation of replacement surgery and its biomechanical consequences. Geometries of the femur and the acetabulum are idealized axisymmetric, but the model includes nonlinearities associated with material law and contact coupling. Results of our studies show that the assembly strains resulting from the press fit procedure must not be ignored.
@conference{Visnic-1994-13810,author = {C. D. Visnic and R. H. Reid and Omar Ghattas and Anthony M. Digioia and Branislav Jaramaz},
title = {Finite Element Pre-operative Simulation Of Cementless Hip Replacement},
booktitle = {Proceedings 26th Winter Simulation Conference (WSC '94)},
year = {1994},
month = {December},
pages = {856 - 860},
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