From face to facial expression
Book Section/Chapter, Advances in Face Image Analysis: Techniques and Technologies, pp. 217 - 238, 2010
This chapter addresses recent advances in computer vision for facial expression classification. The authors present the different processing steps of the problem of automatic facial expression recognition. They describe the advances of each stage of the problem and review the future challenges towards the application of such systems to everyday life situations. The authors also introduce the importance of taking advantage of the human strategy by reviewing advances of research in psychology towards multidisciplinary approach for facial expression classification. Finally, the authors describe one contribution which aims at dealing with some of the discussed challenges.
@incollection{Hammal-2010-120266,author = {Zakia Hammal},
title = {From face to facial expression},
booktitle = {Advances in Face Image Analysis: Techniques and Technologies},
edition = {Yu-Jin Zhang},
year = {2010},
month = {January},
pages = {217 - 238},
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