Heterogeneity, Root-finding, and Decentralization
Increasing interest in agent-based systems both in AI (in terms of multiagent systems and distributed artificial intelligence) and in computational approaches to the social sciences calls for a greater understanding of their computational properties. Often, problems that are difficult for agent-based systems because of issues of coordination or delayed information could be solved using a centralized root-finding algorthim. This paper proposes a method that allows for the approximation of such centralized root-finding solutions by systems of decentralized agents. By making each agent's responses to payoff signals heterogeneous, proper coordination emerges among the agents without the need for communication or negotiation. We apply this technique to both Newton's method and Gallager's algorithm for multi-commodity flow. In empirical simulations, the method is shown to produce results comparable to the original algorithm.
@workshop{Thomas-1998-14650,author = {James D. Thomas and Katia Sycara},
title = {Heterogeneity, Root-finding, and Decentralization},
booktitle = {Proceedings of AGENTS '98 Artificial Societies and Computational Markets Workshop (ASCMA '98)},
year = {1998},
month = {May},
pages = {293 - 296},