Human Hand Tracking from Binocular Image Sequences
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE 22th International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation (IECON '96), pp. 297 - 302, August, 1996
Sensing of human hand motion is very important for a variety of applications, such as computer animation and athletic performance measurement. Tracking a hand is difficult because the hand has high degree of freedom articulated mechanisms. This paper presents a 3D model-based hand tracking method which is robust to occlusions and local minima. Tracking is performed by minimizing the estimation error of an optical flow and maximizing the overlap between a projected model and a silhouette image. The authors employ stochastic optimization to solve them, which are generally difficult. They present experimental results on tracking from synthetic and real image sequences.
@conference{Nirei-1996-14193,author = {Kenichi Nirei and Hideo Saito and Masaaki Mochimaru and S. Ozawa},
title = {Human Hand Tracking from Binocular Image Sequences},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE 22th International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation (IECON '96)},
year = {1996},
month = {August},
pages = {297 - 302},
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