Improved Rendering of Parallax Panoramagrams for a Time-Multiplexed Autostereoscopic Display
Conference Paper, Proceedings of SPIE Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems V, Vol. 3295, pp. 211 - 217, 1998
Parallax-barrier panoramagrams (PPs) can present high-quality autostereoscopic images viewable from different perspectives. The limiting factor in constructing PP computer displays is the display resolution. First, we suggest a new PP display based on time multiplexing in addition to the usual space multiplexing; the barriers move horizontally in front of the display plane. The time multiplexing increases the horizontal resolution. In addition, it permits us to use wider barriers than are acceptable for static displays. We then analyze these displays, showing that wide-barrier PPs have advantages relating to depth-resolution and smoothness, and we present a novel algorithm for rendering the images on a computer.
@conference{Kalai-1998-14556,author = {Adam Kalai and Mel Siegel},
title = {Improved Rendering of Parallax Panoramagrams for a Time-Multiplexed Autostereoscopic Display},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems V},
year = {1998},
month = {January},
volume = {3295},
pages = {211 - 217},
keywords = {stereoscopy, stereo cameras, 3D-TV, disparity, occlusion, view interpolation},
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