Incremental Heuristic Search in Artificial Intelligence
Magazine Article, Artificial Intelligence Magazine, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 99 - 112, June, 2004
Incremental search reuses information from previous searches to find solutions to a series of
similar search problems potentially faster than is possible by solving each search problem
from scratch. This is important since many artificial intelligence systems have to adapt their
plans continuously to changes in (their knowledge of) the world. In this article, we therefore
give an overview of incremental search, focusing on Lifelong Planning A*, and outline some
of its possible applications in artificial intelligence.
@periodical{Koenig-2004-109502,author = {Sven Koenig and Maxim Likhachev and Yaxin Liu and David Furcy},
title = {Incremental Heuristic Search in Artificial Intelligence},
journal = {Artificial Intelligence Magazine},
year = {2004},
month = {June},
pages = {99 - 112},
volume = {25},
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